My name is Gašper Grom and I’m BSc Dietitian, IFBB International Judge, IFBB Advanced Bodybuilding and Fitness Trainer. Since the start of the industry I have been a trainer of many Slovenian bodybuilders and fitness professionals;  my additional work in sport nutrition helped me to spread the culture of fitness and bodybuilding in Slovenia.
Once every blue moon I compete in different BB categories. I placed third at WFF World 2006,  won WFF World 2010, and recently placed fifth at IFBB European Championship 2022 (Masters). Moreover, I am proud that I have prepared several other Slovenian competitors (Mitja Gabor, Renko Boštjan, Boštjan Čebron, Samo Simončič, Sašo Petek, Andrej Milutinovič, Goran Simič…) who always ranked among top 5 positions.
I am a ketogenic weight loss consultant and author of the Bemumast LCHF diet book collection. Together with the co-authors, I am also also the author of  first scientific study on the impact of the ketogenic diet on body weight in Slovenia. In 2018, I appeared as the head nutritionist in the show The Biggest Loser Slovenia.
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